blow the trumpet to your mouth

blow the trumpet to your mouth
sound the warning

Friday 14 May 2010



The first place many go to prove that the Holy Spirit produces drunkenness is in Acts 2. If they can’t prove it here were the Holy Spirit first fell they can’t get anywhere.

The verses they always point to is:
Acts 2:14-15 “…..But Peter STANDING UP WITH THE ELEVEN, lifted up his voice….For THESE ARE NOT DRUNKEN, as ye suppose, seeing it is [but] the third hour of the day.”
Because the word “drunken” is used, people then try and fill in the blanks and presume they were drunk in the Spirit. However it does not actually say that.
Acts 2: 2“ And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house WHERE THEY WERE SITTING”

The disciples were sitting down when the Holy Spirit fell upon them. So you would expect them to arise from a sitting position. There is no evidence of being slain or falling over in a drunken stupor.
Acts 2 gives us two testimonies..

1 Those who mocked …………………2 The apostles Peter

Acts 2:13 “Others mocking said “These men are full of new wine.” The Greek suggests that the mockers continued to mock.

This is the proof verse people use, yet as we realise it means agreeing with the mockers.

Peters own testimony:
Acts 2:15 “For THESE ARE NOT DRUNKEN, as ye suppose, seeing it is [but] the third hour of the day”

One testimony says there were drunk and the other says they were not. Now as simple as this is may be. Which one would you expect people to believe? For those who believe in Spiritual drunkenness it turns out to be those who mocked. Once we are prepared to believe Peters testimony the whole idea of the disciples being drunk vanishes. Can we honestly believe those who mocked the Holy Spirit over the one person who loves God? Many in trying to prove that the Holy Spirit produces drunkenness are in fact calling Peter a liar. You can only believe ONE TESTIMONY.
The next proof verse is in:

Eph 5:18” And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit”

Here we see a comparison between being filled with Drink and filled with the Holy Spirit. The word for “EXCESS” is 1) an abandoned, dissolute life 2) profligacy, prodigality Av has translated this word also as RIOT OR EXCESS
Titus 1:6 “If any be blameless the husband of one wife having faithful children not accused OF RIOT or unruly” 1 Peter 1:4 Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with [them] to the same excess OF RIOT, speaking evil of [you]:

Yet the Toronto manifestation did indeed bring rioting, loss of control, abandoning themselves to whatever. So stories of people true or otherwise of being sent home in taxis because they were too drunk to drive would be a case in point. However drink will make you lose control whilst the Holy Spirit will not. How can we prove the evidence goes against any fruit which will produce drunkenness?

One of the signs which came out of the Toronto manifestation was drunkenness. The one thing many of those who became inebriated was their inability to preach the gospel. Yet in Acts 2 we see Peter delivering a gospel message without one hint of drunkenness. There was no falling over, NO silliness which we have become so accustomed too in the Toronto manifestation.

1 Tim 3:2 “A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife VIGILANT SOBER of good behaviour given to hospitality apt to teach”

The word “ SOBER “ means: 1) of a sound mind, sane, in one’s senses.2) curbing one’s desires and impulses, self-controlled, temperate

Why would the apostle give such a recommendation if drunkenness was a common experience? Yet here we see that PART OF THE QUALIFICATION FOR MINISTRY IS SOBERNESS. Now some would like to say that this refers only to alcohol rather than the Holy Spirit. But as you can see the word means to be of a SOUND MIND CURBING ONES DESIRES AND SELF CONTROL. But self control is the very thing that is missing from those who become drunk in the spirit. They actually lose control. So any minister who gets drunk is automatically disqualified from ministry.

Mark 5:15 “And they come to Jesus, and see him that was possessed with the devil, and had the legion, sitting, and clothed, and IN HIS RIGHT MIND: and they were afraid”
It would appear that the locals were more afraid of a man who was now clothed and in his right mind. Now we do not see him falling over and doing crazy things, His speech was precise and clear. If he continued to act drunk would there be the same impact? So the fruit of this deliverence was self control The word “ RIGHT MIND” means : ) to be of sound mind a) to be in one’s right mind b) to exercise self control 1) to put a moderate estimate upon one’s self, think of one’s self soberly 2) to curb one’s passions

Gal 5:23 “Meekness, TEMPERANCE: against such there is no law”
The word TEMPERANCE is 1) self-control (the virtue of one who masters his desires and passions, esp. his sensual appetites)

What is the fruit we would expect to see the Holy Spirit manifest in the Christian life?
English Standard Version (©2001)
gentleness, SELF-CONTROL; against such things there is no law.
International Standard Version (©2008)
gentleness, and SELF-CONTROL. There is no law against such things.

If there is a lack of self control (drunkenness) would we expect this manifestation to be from the Holy Spirit? If the nature of the Holy Spirit is to bring self control and soberness, then we would not expect him to do something against his nature.

Then there is the evidence of Jesus. He would send another comforter. The comforter would continue the ministry Jesus left. We are given clear description as to what that ministry will entail,

John 16:8 “And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness and of judgment” verse 13 “………the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth” verse 14 “……He shall glorify me”

Now in all these attributes there is not one mention that the Holy Spirit will produce drunkenness. Nor will he do something which Jesus himself never did. Nor would the HOLY SPIRIT do anything which was unholy or cause us to do anything that will bring reproach upon God. If Jesus never made anyone drunk neither would the Holy Spirit.


Pro 20:1 “Wine [is] a mocker, strong drink [is] raging : and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise” If you give yourself to it foolishness. In a culture that cannot handle drink there may be more wisdom in not drinking.

Pr 31 :6 “Give STRONG DRINK UNTO HIM THAT IS READY TO PERISH, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts” Strong drink was given to those who were about to die. But never to the living.

Pr 23: 30-35 Speaks clearly about those who overindulge and the consequences. Overindulgence is clearly not Biblical
Drunkenness is clearly frowning upon throughout scripture for the simple fact we makes fools of ourselves. When reading Proverbs 23 try and keep in mind those who have experience the Toronto. Many become addicts to the experience and keep coming back to get more of it. Now scripture does not present us a list of what drunken manifestations are OK and those that are not. Scripture says ALL DRUNKENNESS IS WRONG.


The testimony of John the Baptist who was filled with the Holy Spirit from his mothers womb LK 1:15 . Filled and yet not one incident of drunkenness. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. We have her testimony of what happened. She rejoiced and spoke. But not one mention of drunkenness.

Romans 13:13 “Let us walk honestly as in the day; not in RIOTING and DRUNKENNESS, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying

DRUNKINESS means intoxication.
RIOTING means : 1) a revel, carousala) a nocturnal and riotous procession of half drunken and frolicsome fellows who after supper parade through the streets with torches and music in honour of Bacchus or some other deity, and sing and play before houses of male and female friends; hence used generally of feasts and drinking parties that are protracted till late at night and indulge in revelry

Does this not sound similar?


“…Thus says the Lord: “Behold, I will fill all the inhabitants of this land…WITH DRUNKENNESS! “And I will dash them one against another…(I) will destroy them” Jer 13:13-14
Ezekiel 23:32-33 “Thus saith the Lord GOD Thou shalt drink of thy sister’s cup deep and large: thou shalt be laughed to scorn and had in derision; it containeth much. Thou shalt be FILLED WITH DRUNKENNESS AND SORROW, with the cup of astonishment and desolation with the cup of thy sister Samaria”

See also Jer 51:57 Drunkenness appears to be connected to judgement. What makes this worse, God himself will send it.
Rodney Howard Brown the so called Holy Spirit “BARTENDER”, who encouraged people to role up to Joels bar must seem foolish now
Joels prophecy which is mentioned in Acts 2 In fact does not even suggest drunkenness. We have the list to check. Prophesy… see visions…. dream dreams. But not one reference to being drunk.

Scriptue simply does not contradict its own testimony. The Holy Spirit does not go against scripture because he inspired it. We have the testimony of the Holy Spirit that drunkenness if anything is a form of judgement on the unrepentant.

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