blow the trumpet to your mouth

blow the trumpet to your mouth
sound the warning

Friday 14 May 2010

out of church believers speak out

My own testimony.

Being out of church was never something planned or looked upon with any delight. But I refuse to come under worldly and unscriptural church leadership. I defiantly refuse to go from one church to another looking for that Holy Grail. I have been saved over 35 years and I have probably grown more in the last five years since coming out of church than I have in the last 30 years. God has challenged me in many ways. Fed me and encouraged me. But this has not been an easy road. I do not encourage anyone to take this step likely. If you step out it is because God has called you out. If God is in it you will be challenged. Motivated and prompted. As Elijah was fed in the wilderness so God has fed me. There is no easy answer to this problem of the out of churches. In many ways the internet has become the life line for fellowship. People from across cyberspace are connecting and sharing their experiences. In connecting there is a strengthening of the body. The lost are being found. The lonely are being encouraged. People are ministering to each other. In a crazy world cyber space is becoming the place where church is taking place. While this is not the whole solution, nor is it a permanent one, we trust it is a temporary one. What is important is that the strong come along side the weak. Uphold and strengthen. I am aware of the weakness of the internet as it’s hard to share Christian love and concern in coldness of a blogging site. Nevertheless the ability to share is becoming vital and important. If for nothing else people know they are not alone. People need to know that others are also in the same position as they are. I do not mean taking comfort in misery but in the knowledge we stand together. We are still a body and when others suffer it becomes a shared suffering. When others rejoice we can rejoice with them. Sometimes when others weep we can weep with them.

Voyage of discovery

There was an old tale told by many pastors and it was not completely false. But the idea is that if you took a coal out of the fire and left it to cool; the fire within the coal will die. Otherwise if a Christian left his church he will quickly backslide. Now there is an element of truth in this, but it is not the full truth. If God calls you out you will not die spiritually because it is God who is the fire not the building or a denomination. The Church is not a social club but a spiritual entity which derives its life from God. It is he who will keep and maintain you.
Don’t be afraid to reach out. Don’t stop reaching out. The church was never to be seen as a fortress with Ramparts up, Slings at the ready and batten down the hatches. The church is never to be envisioned as a movement under siege. We are called to move forward. We are called by the God who made the heaven and the earth. Therefore we can dare to challenge the norm. We are not called to fear but to love. We are not called to become a people who will mistrust everyone and everything. We are called to embrace a holy fear of God, but not a fear of man. We might be an oddity but we are Gods oddity. He can open door and he can shut them. Take courage he will lead you to still waters and if its spiritual raven that will feed you then ravens will be your waiters.

We are the out of Church believers but we have not gone away. We have a voice and we will speak out. If you are one let your voice also be heard.

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